Welcome to the new MoxxeeMedia site. Thank you for your patience while we build it out and transition over from www.MoxxeeMedia.com . You may also wish to visit our sister sites, watch our free webinar on how to get 100 customers in 100 days.
www.wow100customers.com or schedule a free online presence report at www.OCseopro.com to see how your site and social presence rates compared to your competitors and in the eyes of the search engines who deliver only the best results to those searching for your products and services.
Why are we moving our site away from WIX. While we have been quite pleased for many years with the site built and residing at Wix.com and the many fabulous DIY templates they supply, we discovered challenges over time with way our domain was hosted and displayed. Many types of small businesses would not take issue with this and are fine to use it, but site contents are not actually hosted on our preferred servers but only redirected to where it sits at a subdomain of wix.com. We felt as a company who offers web hosting, domain purchases and expert SEO services it was actually hurting our search results and in some cases for MoxxeeMedia, we are unable to index or refer to specific pages. SO we re slowly rebuilding it stronger and better than before with a well organized WordPress template for business, along with the user-friendly, and search engine favored Wordpress.
Don´t get us wrong, Wix is a great resource for those wishing to save some money and Do it yourself .. and if you do you may still wish to customize it a bit and have an expert coder look over it for proper structure and keywords.
If you do not have a mobile friendly well optimized site, let us evaluate it and help you move to the technology that serves you best.
888 626 2WIN (2946)